You may think It just a Hallmark holiday, I’m pretty sure “yo mama” would disagree. The cards, the texts with kiss emojis, and the beautiful plant to commemorate Mother’s Day that you buy or receive are not for nuthin.

Photo credit : Suzi Simonson
Better Together & Jenica Jewelry
If I told you it was actually a charitable organization Called the F.O.E. or The Faternal Order of the Eagles, made up of mostly musicians, actors that came to be in about 1898.
Did you know one exists in your community? Did you know you also don’t have be a musician to be a part of it ?
About 1500 chapters including one right in Bloomington MN that has existed for 50 + years. I will get to that more later. Back to the Moms!
In short, a former leader and President of the Eagles found students in a college writing post cards to send to their mothers. He thought it such a great idea he proposed and help spread the idea through fellow Eagles organization chapters through the country of a national “Mother’s Day”.
Soon enough Aeries from all over began hosting their own celebrations to honor mothers and finally their hard work paid off as President Wilson designated May 10, 1914, the first Mother’s Day.” As noted on the FOE site.
In the state of MN alone there are roughly 32 chapters of this particular organization that puts thousands and thousands dollars directly back into the community. Their buildings often host local community functions as well and private functions that range anywhere from bridal showers to birthdays, auctions, and everything in between.

Don’t let the Eagle’s flag, logo, and name throw you off that it is a organization for military or veterans only. It is, in fact, an organization that helps and welcomes anyone that would like to be a part of it. The Eagle represents spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality. Their tag line is “People Helping People”.
NO, you dont have to only serve in charity while you are there. It is a social club a place to go to and do something many of us may have forgotten was so important to how humans were built… to SOCIALIZE. A meeting spot to bring someone to chat and talk and meet new. Mostly help each other in any way you can. It could be as simple as a conversation on day someone really needs it. If you are inclined to take part in the many offerings or volunteer in an area of your specialty to en members or community in return for member benefits you are able to too that. But it’s never required.
There are special groups within the club that help build all members of the community of the Eagles such as “Under 35“ and “Junior Order of the Eagles”.
Photo Suzi Simonson, pictured Jenica Jewelry, Losing for Health, Kat Minks of Adore And Jenny Matthews.
The incredible thing about this organization is if you have ever thought about ways to build community or be a part of something they welcome that. More importantly proceeds of what they incur financially, they give right back. It’s as easy as being a member and taking part in the many member offerings available at Aeries across the country. “Aeries ( what they call the different chapters) can offer a wide array of amenities including discounted food and drinks, billiards, darts, dancing, karaoke, card games and… (MY PERSONAL FAVORITE) Make a perfect venue to gather with your own family and friends for sporting EVENTS, BANQUETS and PARTIES! (Hello wedding venue on a budget ready for transformation!)

photo from pop up boutique at 3208 this spring that Adore Productions hosted .
In turn as a member you can vote on where the charitable donations with funds accrued by the Eagles are allocated. Membership is a very nominal fee yearly.
Why haven’t you heard of this organization you may ask? That’s a funny question. If you have kids, ran into a marathon for a cause, etc…you probably have benefited from their charitable efforts. In Bloomington’s case it is a social club that requires membership to attend. But becoming a member is actually fairly simple. Mainly you have to have a good heart.
Good thing for you, you know a member. It me! And I’m not 60 and I have a family, love style, and making people smile. If you know me you probably have a good heart because I only hang with those types of people. (Wink wink)
You may laugh but really truly you have to know that this fantastic organization in a lot of areas around the country is losing it’s members quickly ( especially after covid) and the assumption of the organization just by looking at the logo. It is not just a place for people over 60. Many of the establishments are run by a board of trustees and always by members therefore a lot of the Eagles locations need “young blood” to keep them going, freshen them up, and bring in the special events for more people and public to engage in. This would bring to the forefront the outstanding charitable efforts they make for the community. In monthly meetings I’ve attended I’ve seen and voted on thousands to be given to tornado victims, high school sports, cancer marathons, etc… It truly can be a binding point for young and old, singles, and families.
I hope you check out your local Eagles Auxiliary and if you happen to live in the Twin Cities I would love to chat with you more about this organization.
I hope you celebrate your mom and are celebrated as a mom (or mother figure) because it IS the hardest job that deserves to be recognized and not be called “a Hallmark” holiday.
It should also be noted that if you are one of the following your first year of membership is free.
Active and retired Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians, Correctional Officers, Active Military including National Guard and Reserves, Volunteer Firefighters and EMTs and Honorably Discharged/Retired/Inactive Military.
For Accessible celebration ideas , items, and services to celebrate all there is to celebrate in life check out