8 Months Before
Beauty vitamins: Start taking beauty vitamins for longer, shinier hair and glowing skin. Vitamin A, C, E, Folic Acid are important to skin health. If you don’t have a skin care regime, start it now. We can recommend great products or try some of our natural products for your skin care.
Test a new hair color: Thinking about a dramatic change for your wedding? Now is the time to try it out—if you hate it, there’s still plenty of time for you to grow it out or change the color without frying your locks. Ask us for vendor recommendations if you need a trusted stylist.
Revive your skincare regimen: If you’ve been taking your skin for granted, now is the time to start incorporating a more strict system. Cleanse, tone, target, and moisturize every morning and night—and don’t forget to exfoliate two or three times a week!
Fitness and nutrition plan: Avoid crash dieting before your wedding by starting a fitness and nutrition plan now. Cleanses can be good to kick start your plan. You’ll look healthy and glowing on the big day, instead of exhausted and weak.
4 Months Before
Hair and makeup trials: Start experimenting with different hair and makeup styles, as well as different artists. Then, book them right after you’ve made up your mind—you don’t want run the risk of conflicting schedules or last-minute changes. We allow for a complimentary makeup trial with booking and encourage you to bring photos to your first appointment.

Photo By Andrews Photography
2 Months Before
Tanning options: If you want a bronzy glow on your wedding day, decide exactly how you’d like to achieve it. If you’re going to get a spray tan book one and begin going now, rather than a few days before your wedding, as a test run. Adore offers in home spray tanning options. We can also recommend establishments around the city that do so.
Beauty accessories: Select any beauty accessories, like hair accessories or customized lipstick colors, now.
Teeth whitening: Most professional teeth whitening sessions take more than one appointment. Book your first appointment now, and use an at-home whitening kit after your last session to maintain your pearly whites. The last thing you want to worry about on your wedding day is sensitive teeth.
2 Weeks Before
Hair gloss, trim, and subtle color: Get a color-enhancing treatment at your salon for shiny locks on your wedding day, and trim any split ends while you’re there. If you’d like a subtle color change, like highlights, now is the time to get them done. There are several over the counter gloss treatments you can do as well.
Exfoliate: If you haven’t already, start exfoliating your body at least two to three times a week. Try a gentle body scrub, that sloughs off dead skin cells without stripping your skin of moisture.
Brows: Get your brows waxed, threaded, or shaped at the two week mark—tweeze any stray hairs at least one day before your wedding to avoid redness.
5 Days Before
Wax: Get waxed at least five days before the big day so your skin has time to heal.
Facial: Get a gentle facial. If you need recommendations please ask us.
3 Days Before
At-home skin treatment:
If you have oily skin, try a purifying clay mask. If your skin is dry, use a hydrating mask to moisturize and plump. Continue to exfoliate so that your skin can accept the moisturizers you are using.
2 Days Before
Manicure/Pedicure: Request a gel polish to avoid any chips and cracks on your big day.
Spray tan: Get your spray tan two days before your wedding—the extra time will allow the tan to fade in and look more natural. Use moisturizer that build slight color for the next few days to keep up the glow.
Adore offers in home spray tanning as well as a product that you can use yourself at home with an airbrush machine or try our cream.
1 Day Before
Beauty sleep: The best thing you can do at this point is to get some shut-eye—you’ve done your work, now take some time to relax (or at least try to). Delegate last minute inquiries and questions to your wedding planner.
Hydrate: Drink lots of water the day before to ensure you and your skin are hydrated. Smart Water has electrolytes and is good at keeping you hydrated inside and out. Try to avoid having too many glasses of champagne at pre wedding festivities.